Designer: | Michel |
Country: | UK |
Decade: | 1930 |
Dimensions: | 100.0 x 62.0 cm | 39.370078740000004 x 24.4094488188 inches |
Condition: | Very good | | B + |
Publisher: | Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company Ltd (P&O) |
Printed by: | Printed in England |
Category: |
Ocean Liner |
Let’s go cruising - P&O Viceroy of India - Book your Cruise here. The RMS Viceroy of India was an ocean liner that was owned and operated by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company Ltd. of Great Britain. She was P&O’s crowning achievement of the 1920s.
The ship was launched on 15 September 1928 and she was a British Royal Mail Ship on the Tilbury–Bombay route. The accommodation aboard was considered luxurious by the standards of the era. The first class staterooms were especially so, but standards were high in all classes on this ship. All cabins were single berth with interconnecting doors, with extra rooms for servants who often travelled with colonial families.
The poster has a horisontal fold and some signs of wear. Wold look great framed.