Designer: | Kauffer, Edward McKnight (1890-1954) |
Country: | USA |
Decade: | 1950 |
Dimensions: | 101.0 x 71.0 cm | 39.763779527400004 x 27.9527559054 inches |
Condition: | Very good | | B + |
Linen backed | |
Publisher: | Pan American |
Category: |
Airline/Aviation |
A wonderful original vintage airline poster promoting PAN AM flights to Scandinavia depicting the Stockholm City Hall (Stockholm Stadhus) that was completed in 1923. It’s the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet and is one of Stockholm’s major tourist attractions.
The poster promotes flights via Oslo to Scandinavia.
In very good condition, tiny tears, small edge tears, airbrushing in the outer margins, mounted on linen.