Designer: | Schwetz, Karl (1888-1965) |
Country: | Austria |
Decade: | 1950 |
Dimensions: | 86.0 x 58.5 cm | 33.8582677164 x 23.0314960629 inches |
Condition: | Very good | | B + |
Linen backed | |
Printed by: | Wub-Druck, Innsbrück-Linz |
Category: |
Travel |
This vintage travel poster is using av painting that was created by Schwetz, Karl to promote Upper Austria (Oberösterreich) as a tourist destination. It features the picturesque lake Gosausee-Dachstein and its steep surrounding mountains, which are well-known for hiking and mountaineering.
Gosausee is a scenic mountain lake located in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria, surrounded by the towering Dachstein mountain range. The area is famous for its crystal-clear waters, picturesque landscapes, and diverse recreational activities, such as hiking, mountaineering, and skiing.
The poster has some scratches, light wear and tear but is generally in very good condition. It has been professionally mounted on linen with an acid-free barrier for preservation.